Lights Camera Action

 Monday 29th November 2021

Learning Objective:

To Explore the use of setting and colour in films.


Why might a director choose the following settings?

An isolated house in a rural setting for a horror film - you're by yourself , no help, you are left by yourself in an unfamiliar setting with a killer or antagonist of the film.

A big city for an action film - action films are normally the protagonist trying to save people/ peoples so a city is a good place also for some destruction because of the crowds of people and the traffic etc.

A small seaside town for a romantic comedy - the 2 people will see each other again if its a small area, a aesthetic scenery/setting to match the vibe of the film.

A range of different country for an action/adventure film - the range of countries contributes to the adventure because of the different cultures and loads of locations for different settings for people to fight or run from bad people.

A large modern science laboratory for a science film - links to the science vibe of the film and could lead to maybe a science   experiment gone wrong or something along those lines.


Why might a director choose the following colours?

Blue and red for a new superhero costume - these colours are quite bright and already symbolise heroes like superman, wonder woman, captain america.

A black suit for a villain - a villain associates with dark because dork symbolises mystery and dark evil. A black suit can also blend in with shadows which can help them hide in the background and normally with fighting its normally 'light side beating dark side'.

Bright colours for a comedy film - bright colours are quite upbeat and uplifting and symbolise happiness, for example if u put dark, depressing colours in a comedy film you wouldn't be able to tell it was a comedy and it would bring down the happy mood.

Setting and Colour

Where does this action take place? - Takes place in the city and at their headquarters

Why is this story taken in this place? - For action, destruction to get the viewers attention. 

When and How does the setting change? - It changes multiple times when they go to their headquarters and go back in time etc.

How does the setting affect the characters? - In the city they are enraged and ready to fight any threat but in their headquarters they are sensible and tame.

How could u tell where the story was taken place? - Change of atmosphere, colour and mood, as well as seeing the setting in the background.

Could the same story of have happened in a different setting? -  I don't think so because a big city was a good place for the action that happened because of the risk of people and the actual city.

When is the story taken place? - The story is taken place in the future because of the advance technology like spaceships and guns etc.

Is the story in the future or past? - In this film its a difficult question to answer but the original plot they are in the future but then they go into the past but that is not shown in the trailer.

Why are certain colours used? - Some of the costumes are used for villain characters and hero characters to represent if they are evil or bad and the colours really represent of atmosphere and mood.

Are any colours associated with certain characters? - When all the characters change into matching costumes the white and red symbolise they are good, the white for innocence and purity and the red to symbolise the avengers because that is their main colours.

Are the colours important in a film? - Yes because they represent the mood of the film and give more of a clue of whats going on.

What would the film be like in black and white? - I think it would dull the film down a lot and not give it as much excitement or joy, it would get rid of the mood of the film and make it less enjoyable.

I AM LEGEND movie poster - what tells you what genre it is? - Its an action because he has a gun in an isolated bleak landscape.

28 days later movie poster - what tells you what genre it is? -  horror film, zombie film because of the infection symbol and the singular person walking alone.

Raiders movie poster - what tells you what genre it is? - Adventure because of the tomb vibe / desert setting with the sandy colours and torches and the title 'the lost ark' suggesting he will be looking for said ark.

Get creative

The setting would be of an underground lab which is very futuristic and protected to keep them away from the deadly virus. Everyone would be wearing masks to stop the spread of the virus if it somehow gets into their lab. Every room is air tight with small vents connecting to an outer storage unit on the main land. There is a data base of  everyones names to keep track and multiple machines to test the virus and see if anyone has it daily. There are corrupt people in the lab that are willing to do whatever they need to survive for themselves. For themselves not others. Including this one scientists who have been taking people from outside the lab and testing the virus on them and seeing if he can cure it. Not only could this be dangerous and spread to others but it is inhumane. He has a dirty lab coat and scruffy hair almost with a sadistic crazy look on his face. His lab is filled with test tubes of blood and chambers of people with alive people with the virus and dead normal un affected people. While the rest of the lab is clean and white.

I chose these colours because the regular lab using white gives off a gives off a very clean vibe but with the red and bodies in the evil scientists lab it suggests something bad is happening because its not like the rest of the environment.

Monday 13th December 2021


Learning Objective:

To explore different styles of photography

Planning - 

Reflection - Reflecting Face of the computer screen 

Patterns in Nature - Symmetry in the brick wall outside / stairs
Ground level - Shot of the stairs from the top
Framing of the shot - Nature / plants outside
Looking up - Looking up shot of a building 

I think the images would of turned out better if it was better or worse weather the cloudy weather didn't help i think that the shots would be better if it was sunny or raining. Other than that i think the only thing that could improve the images is more practice so we could get better shots and more nature environment around us.


This movie poster is the captain marvel film. 
The colours red and blue suggest that she is a heroic and good character and the star in the back symbolises her costume as the same star is in the middle of the costume.
The glowing and her hair floating suggest she is very powerful and is ready to fight anyone as she is also in a fighting stance.

Monday 10th January 2022

Sound in film 

Learning Objective: 
To use the use of sounds in films

What kind of music would your hear in ? -

 A horror film -  Eerie music, creepy music too make the atmosphere more scary and to create tension
An action film - Heroic music, a music sequence for getting prepared to fight and get the viewer excited
A thriller - thrilling music to get the viewers excited.
A comedy film - Upbeat and happy music to lighten the mood and atmosphere.
A science fiction film - maybe mysterious music to make the viewers intrigued to what the main character is doing.

What kind of sound effects would you hear in ? -

A horror film - Footsteps, loud jump scares , screaming 
An action film - Gunshots , Explosions , chaos 
A thriller - Running , Loud footsteps 
A comedy film - Laughter 
A science fiction film - Fizzy of chemicals 

There are 2 types of sounds in a film - Diegetic and Non-Diegetic

Diegetic - Diegetic sound is any sound that emanates from the story world of the film. The source of diegetic sound doesn't necessarily need to be seen on screen, as long as the audience understands that it is coming from something within the film.
Non Diegetic - Sometimes called commentary or non-literal sound, non-diegetic sound is any type of sound that does not specifically exist within the world of the film itself. In other words, it's the type of sound that characters in a film are not able to hear, but that we can.

Diegetic - 
  • Speaking                                        
  •    Something flying through the wind 
  • Gunshot 
  • Motorbike engine 
  • Cat 
  • Finger click 
  • Screaming 
  • Glass Breaking 

Non Diegetic - 
  • Voice Over - Narration 
  •  Music 
  • Screeching Sound Effects  
  • Pin-drop 
  • Explosion in your mind
  •  Drums 
  •  Singing 
  •  Guitar 
  •  Punching sound 
  • Faster drum beat - tensions rising 
 Most microphones pick up too much noise so we use foley.
Foley is the reproduction of everyday sounds to use in filmmaking. 
The reproduced sounds could be anything and it helps to create a sense in the scene and without the sound effects the film would be unnaturally quite.

Foley Sounds in Animation
  • gunshots
  • clicking fingers
  • door opening 
  • shouting 
  • door shutting
  • box dropping 
  • blinds opening 
  • phone ringing 
  • picking up the phone 
  •  footsteps up the stairs
  • dog barking 
  • box opening 
  • dropping the dog 
  • kicking
  • dog walking around 
  • dog banging into the wall
  • rubbing his nose 
  • ball hitting the box 
  • dog kicking the ball
  • the box falling 
  • the dog yelping 
  • the persons expressional noises
  • dog running 
  •  dog biting the ball
  • dogs expressional noises
  • persons walking 
  • crutches walking on the floor
Is there music in the scene?
How does the music make you feel?
Tense when the music gets louder because it creates alot of tension.
When do u hear the music or the sounds change?
When more action happens the music gets louder and more dramatic but if its quite tense moments the the music quietens.
What is happening in the scene when the music changes?
There is alot of action when the music is loud and not so much when its quiet.
If you aren't looking at the screen when the music changes can u tell what is happening?
Yes because the music somewhat tells the story by the mood and atmosphere of the music.
Are there any moments of silence?
Yes there is when the woman is laying and after she speaks the music gets super loud and dramatic.
Do any of the characters speak? What do they sound like?
The characters do speak and some characters have quite firm voices.
Can you hear any sound effects?
Yes , explosions gunshots etc.
Do you think any sounds were made louder than they actually are?
Yes some are to emphasise the impact of the sound.

Alien Story Sounds
No music when they are operating on the alien.
Emphasise the sounds of them operating on him like syringes and equipment like that.
When the alien wakes up have quite a dramatic sound effect and then quite background music with emphasis as you hear all the metal equipment and metal hit the floor causing like a ringing echo on the floor along with shouting and screaming as the scientists run in fear.

Monday 7th February 2022

Learning Objective:

to experiment with foley and sound effects

Settings and props -  You can tell they are in a very rich/ high class location with the food and the golden chairs along with the wallpaper and paintings.

Costume, Hair, Makeup, Facial Expressions and Body language - The costumes of the 2 guards makes the watcher assume they have some authority as well as them standing straight up with good posture and a spear like weapon in their hand. The hair and makeup of the guy in the middle makes it look like he is a pirate and looks quite dirty and ragged. The facial expressions and body language makes it look like they aren't friends and he is somewhat captured.

Lighting and Colour - The lighting really emphasises the golden chair making it brighter than the rest of the set. And the colour makes it seem like quite olden day like it is less modern times.

Positioning of characters and objects within the frame -  the food is quite obvious as it is taking up almost half of the shot suggesting where he is, is a rich place. The way the soldiers are standing in-between the pirate makes it seem like he is captured and cant move much sort of trapped. And the way the soldiers are positioned makes it seem like they were ordered to keep him there like they are waiting for someone.

Creative Task

The room was silent. Only the sound of the uvi beeping and the rustling of the hazmat suits as the 2 scientists gently pull apart the alien ever so slowly. The room was clean, sweaky clean, white everywhere other than the small bits of blue blood coming from the aliens stomach. Test tubes covered the counters and other scientific equipment. The scientists where covering head to toe in this silver double layered silver hazmat suit to avoid any of their bacteria getting on the alien or vice versa. Goggles around their eyes and thier hair in a hair net. They were cautious. Very cautious. They didnt want to disqualify the experiment and ruin their research so their movements were stiff, and slow. Their expressions blank filled with utter concentration. The lighting was bright, almost too bright, It was beaming down on the specimen as they experimented on it. All the equipment was perfectly placed and labeled, very organised and set out with perfection. Nothing could of gone wrong.. until the eye of the alien opened....

Clip 1 
voiceover and breathing
music put over the clip
crunching of getting of the sofa
teeth cleaning
tap running
toilet flushing
draw opening
spreading the  jam
ding of the teacup
shutting the door
putting the milk away

 We did the tap running clip very well as it sounded quite similar and could also probably get away with the toilet flushing sound. The background noise was annoying as we didn't get that clear enough sound quality with the clips due to the talking in the background.

Monday 28th February 2022

Learning Objective:

To explore the disaster movie genre.

Disaster Movies

The titanic

Seventeen-year-old Rose hails from an aristocratic family and is set to be married. When she boards the Titanic, she meets Jack Dawson, an artist, and falls in love with him.

Release date: 23 January 1998 (United Kingdom)
Director: James Cameron
Featured song: My Heart Will Go On
Budget: 200 million USD

What was the disaster?

Incorporating both historical and fictionalized aspects, it is based on accounts of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, and stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ship during its ill-fated maiden voyage.

3 Disaster movies 

1) 2012
2) Dont Look Up
3) Love and Monsters 

Are the main characters in the disaster movies normally male or female?

In 2012, it is a group of people that are mostly male but they do have female characters. But the main protagonist is a male.

Does this film include saving any family members?

Yes the whole plot of the film is for the protagonist to save his family and bring them to safety so that they all can survive.

What category does this film fall into?

2012, Falls into the natural disasters category with the earthquakes, tsunamis volcanoes etc.

Does this film include the character being saved or somehow not dying?

Yes, the group find there way to salvation with these big submarines type things.

Does this film include travel?

Yes, they travel in a car, helicopter etc. to get to their destination in order to survive.

Are the main characters in the disaster movies normally male or female?

In Dont Look Up, The 2 main characters are a male and a female but the male character does carry on to be more relevant.

Does this film include saving any family members?

No it doesn't the film is widely based on warning the world and trying to get the message across that a huge astroid is being sent towards earth.

What category does this film fall into?

The film falls into natural disasters as its based around an asteroid.

Does this film include the character being saved or somehow not dying?

No the astroid hits the Earth and everyone dies except some important people who travels to a different planet.

Does this film include travel?

In a sense it does as they travel to the white house but they mainly just travel around places in a car so i would say no. 

  1. Characters
  2. Setting
  3. Action
  4. Props
  5. Colour Connotations
  6. Narrative Suggestions
  7. Text Elements
  8. Other genres included
My Disaster Movie Ideas

My main character is a male. He is a school scientist who is incredibly smart and experiment with human blood cells. 
The disaster is an epidemic, more in detail its a somewhat zombie infection/virus. The disaster was accidentally created by the main character who was experimenting on one of the students in the school basement and she managed to escape. He caught her and injected her with a syrim he hadn't tested yet, this created the virus. He locked her up in the basement but one day another student heard noises coming from the basement and he got to close to the girl and with one quick bite... the infection was out.
There is a group of other people of which one of them is the scientists daughter and her best friend.
As soon as the outbreak started loads of people where dying, the corridors and classes crowded with zombies that could attack any second.
The group of people are running away from zombie and fighting for their lives until they find a safe classroom with zombies swarming outside.
The scientist finds out  that his daughter who was trapped in a room with her friends was bitten, he didnt want her to become one of those monsters so he got the motivation and courage together to create the vaccine
The scientist locks himself in the lab and tries to finish his almost completed vaccine that he was working on before, he finally completed it and gives it to the military and his daughter..
The scientist find the vaccine for the zombie outbreak in his case and they spread it across the city killing all the undead.
The group is saved by the military even after feeling great loss they made it out alive.
The setting is an american high school with an upstairs and downstairs, basement and attic.
The estate the high school is in is very posh and the school is a very rich school to attend with only the smartest teachers and students accepted in.
Monday 14th March 2022

Learning Objective:

To effectively develop a disaster movie idea.

Name the disaster movie.
  1. The Day after Tomorrow
  2. 2012
  3. The Impossible
  4. War Of The Worlds
  5. Godzilla
  6. Twister
Trailer 1 - Independance Day

Character - 
The Character is Male but his name was not clarified in the trailer.

Setting -
It was set all over the world and space but mainly based on earth.

Actions -
There were huge spaceships crashing down into earth.

Props -
Alien skulls,  Astronaut Suits etc.

Colour - 
The colours were very vibrant but also like metal and futuristic with all the machinery

Narrative -
They found an alien base or something and then the aliens attacked back and crashed into earth.

Trailer 2 - Jurassic World

Character - 
The main character is Owen Grady and sort of co -character is Claire and they have a romantic relationship.

Setting -
It is set in jurassic world, a small island where all he dinosaurs live which is also a sort zoo / theme park.

Actions -
There is a lot of action with the people fighting the dinosaurs and the dinosaurs fighting eachother as well as the volcano erupting causing harm to the land and dinosaurs.

Props -
Im guessing the dinosaurs are cgi along with loads of other creatures and props.

Colour - 
There is a lot of green as jurassic world is an animal wildlife resort so there are a lot of trees and grass etfc.

Narrative -
A volcano is going to erupt  in jurassic world as well as a strong fiercer and more intelligent trex on the loose and they need to catch it and take all the dinosaurs to safety.

My Disaster Movie

The disaster is a zombie apocalypse, the virus gets out because of a school science teacher doing experiments on students in the school. The lead characters is the science teacher and his daughter with her friends and its set in there school.
My film is set in 2021 in an american highschool.
The overall mood is all based on fear and how everyone will react to a life threatening disaster like this. Doing so it will show peoples true colours and their morals. There costumes will be normal school uniform but its ripped and dirty maybe covered in blood to represent how much they have gone through.
There will be special makeup for all the zombies which will require a bunch of extras and the camera angles will be maybe some drone shots to show the impact of the virus and maybe some mid shots or close ups for when 2 people are having a conversation.
The message behind my film is to show in our modern time how people will react to something like this and the risks people will take to save themselves or others. 
Name for the movie -  Learning Is Deadly

Monday 28th March 2022

Learning Objective:
To effectively develop and idea for a disaster movie

6 conventions

  • a hero
  • a life threatening disaster
  • family member saved 
  • worldwide impact
  • populated area - like a city
  • the hero somehow saves the day

The equilibrium is just normal day to day school, you have some bullying our protagonist struggling and stressing about failing a class. Everything isn't good as you do have cyberbullying and other problems but it is normal school life. No one is aware of what the scientist is doing.

One of the students go into the scientists lab after hearing suspicious sounds and get attacked by the student they run out in a fright and don't tell anyone in fear of getting punished. In their next class they are sweating and are very un comfortable, they ask to go out and get some air but as they stand up they collapse on the ground. People surround them as they lay still but then they start shaking and distorting you hear bones crack as they suddenly jump up and attack a fellow classmate, thus began the outbreak.

Recognition of disruption
People hide in classrooms, border the doors and try to stay safe. The scientist try to get back to his lab to try and discover the cure while trying to avoid any zombies in his path.

Attempt to solve
The scientist goes off to find the cure/ create it.

New equilibrium
The cure gets passed around the city but some zombies still lurk in dark tunnels waiting for the pray...


The hero and villain 
The hero and villain is the scientist and he solves the virus but he also creates the disaster.
The Donor
The donor is the scientists daughter as her being effected by the virus gives the scientist the courage to cure the virus.
The Helper
The Helper is the scientists friend who sacrificed himself to help him find the cure
The Princess
The Princess is the cure because it is the item of interest to stop the virus
The Dispatcher
The Dispatcher is the scientists daughter , also the donor because she sends him to go create the cure.
The Princesses Father
The zombie that was originally tied up in his lab is protecting the stuff to make the cure by attacking any people who go in.
The False Hero
The False Hero could be the military as seen to most people they saved the day as they got given the cure to save everyone.

Monday 25th April 2022

Learning Objective:
To effectively develop and idea for a disaster movie

Synopsis- 52 words
Terror stricken worldwide as a cursed contagion escapes from a cramped basement to flourish with people and strip them of their humanity.  5 friends and a scientist fighting for their lives to save the world from damnation , one flimsy suitcase could save them all but what would be the extent to obtain it...

Visual Story Telling 

Im Hungry -  

Ive lost me cat-

Im tired - 

The Day before exams - in the morning

[TIREDLY] Alyssa groans as she carries her books along the hallway. She hears rattling as she walks by a door, she takes a few steps back.

Alyssa- Hello?

No reply.

Alyssa- Is anyone there?

[Carefully] Alyssa reluctantly opens the door, a loud creek echoed throughout the halls. [Anxious and Cautious Steps]She walks down the steps and glares around.

Alyssa- Aww a cat

[Carefully with Haste] She picks up the cat with no hesitation ready to take it out then room when she heard a long and clanky bang behind a dark curtain.

Alyssa- Hello? I know someones in there.

[She rapidly opens the curtain with a swift hand swoop.] There lies a student tied to metal pipes [squirming and squealing in pain trying to break free]


Alyssa - What the hell-

[Scared and Confused]  She goes to look at them but [ Frantically] they rapidly leap on her biting her stomach ferociously. [Confused but Determined] She kicks the thing off her before running away leaving the cat as its next meal.


[Nervously] Alyssa sits there in class , [she is burnt up and sweating.]

Ester - Are you okay? You don't look so good..

 [ Looking Pale and Faint ] Alyssa's vision blurs as her body becomes limp, she topples onto the ground out of her seat a few seconds later. [ Ester looking alarmed]


Ester- Is she waki*g u... Can you h8883r m3? A1ly33a?????

[ Look confused as alyssa tries to figure out where she is ] [Ester relived that she woke up]The ringing in her ears becomes less and less coherent until she can hear again. 

[Alyssa is surrounded by people from her class, peering over her and Ester.]

Ester - Jesus you scared me. Are you okay?

Alyssa- Im fi- I mean im fin-

[ With a horrifying look on her face ] Alyssa suddenly bent back in a inhumanly way, bones crunch as she gets back up and[ Rapidly] chargers for Ester ripping out her juggler as[ frantically ] everyone runs away in panic.

[In an unhumanly way] Ester gets up suddenly charging to other students quenching the hunger by killing and ripping into her fellow classmates.

[ With frightened looks on their faces and screams echoing] People charge out the doors and windows.

Crowd - AHHHHHH 

Students - HELPPPP

Many people got out that classroom, many didn't.

Student turning on student, Friend turning on friend. 

Nothing was ever the same.

Narrative Theory: Todorov- The Maze Runner


The main character [thomas] is introduced and after he gets introduced 'bad' things start happenng that have never happened before.


The first girl ever gets introduced in the elevator with a note saying ' shes the last one EVER' this causes the team to freak out and get confused. Soon after that alby [the leader] gets stung by a griever and the griever comes out of the maze and kill many people.

Recognition of  Disruption:

Gally [now in-charge since alby died] noticed that all these unfortunate things have been happening since thomas arrived so he does an attempt to kick thomas out by forcing him into the maze.

Attempt to Solve Disruption:

Thomas sticks up for himself and takes a group of people with him to escape the maze.

New Equilibrium:

The group escapes the maze and a rescue team saves them.

Monday 9th May 2022


Learning Objective:

To explore how a film is made and the various industry rules.

The Big 6 

  • disney
  • warner brothers 
  • universal 
  • 20th century fox
  • paramount
  • sony pictures

Film Industry Jobs

  • actor
  • director 
  • script writer
  • camera man 
  • set designer
  • runner
  • foley artist 
  • editor
  • cinematographer
  • casting direction
An Actor

An Actor portrays a character in a film, using their physical presence or voice. It involves researching every aspect of the character, memorising dialogue the Screenwriter has written and developing their own emotional life so it can be authentic on screen.

Salary -

A well-known Actor can make anywhere from $65K to $20M for a single feature film. A recurring role on a network TV show can earn an Actor anywhere from $20K to $1M should both the show and the Actor themselves be highly successful.

A Makeup Artist

A typical day for Makeup Artist Alyson Granaderos begins with loading in her trailer, tent or room where she will be working. Once she sets up her station, the Talent arrives and she can begin working on them. During this time, she’ll also be coordinating with the production’s liaison, which is usually the 1st AD or 2nd AD. This liaison will tell Granaderos how much time she has with each person.

Salary -

The media salary for Makeup Artist in the film industry is approximately $75,000. The salary range for film industry Makeup Artists runs from $37,000 to $124,000.


Like many jobs on set, the job of a Hairdresser can be a lot of work with long hours. Ash Ortiz, who earned her hair stripes during New York Fashion Week before making the leap to film, breaks down a typical day

Salary -

The average annual salary for Hairdressers is approximately $66,000. The annual salary range for Hairdressers runs from approximately $50,000 to $70,000.

I was surprised that that one film idea has to need to be authorised so much and passed around to make sure the film is perfect before it is released in the cinema.
The process is very slow to get that permission to get the film released not even including hiring actors and all those other people. The amount of determination to get the film released is alot and you have to have a massive passion for your idea to spend that much production value and time into that single idea.

What is Pre - Production?

Pre-production is the stage of a film, television or commercial production that takes place before filming begins. It is followed by production (during which visual content will be filmed) and post-production (where the filmed visual content will be edited into a coherent whole).

What is Production?

Production is the process of combining various material inputs and immaterial inputs in order to make something for consumption. It is the act of creating an output, a good or service which has value and contributes to the utility of individuals

What is Post -  Production?

Post-production is part of the process of filmmaking, video production, audio production, and photography. Post-production includes all stages of production occurring after shooting or recording individual program segments.

Film Distribution

How a film can be marketed

  • Ads
  • Posters
  • Trailers at the Cinema / Posters
  • Spreading it Online
  • Billboards
  • Sides off buses
  • Magazines
  • Teaser Trailer
  • Video Games for the Film
  • Behind The Scenes
  • Interviews 
  • Radio
  • Premiere
  • Reviews
  • Books
  • Mcdonalds Happy Meal
Tv Distribution

1) Release the Poster  
 2)Release Teaser
3)Character Sneak Peek
4)Release Trailer
5)Release Movie
6) Deleted Scenes  / Behind the Scene 

Monday 23rd May 2022

Learning Objective:
To develop an effective film marketing strategy 

Deadpool 2 

The marketing budget for Deadpool was smaller than usual, like the production budget, so Reynolds worked closely with Fox domestic marketing chief Marc Weinstock to use the internet to their advantage and come up with cheaper, "Deadpool-based" ways to market the film.

----- trailer and interviews

posters ----

You normally see film posters on the side of buses, in cinemas and on social media.
By distributing them in these locations you would hope for ore recognition and more people interested in watching it.
Information in the posters are the characters and the name of the film as well as the date of release.

'Screen Shot 2022-06-13 at 12.57.34.png' failed to upload. TransportError: There was an error during the transport or processing of this request. Error code = 103, Path = /_/BloggerUi/data/batchexecute

The fonts are all quite slim and long normally quite or silver.
The colour palette is very dull quite a lot of grey and white.
The images are mostly showing desolate worlds.
The Taglines are very dramatic and intense.
The titles are very blocky and slim with wide spaces.

This poster suggests that its a disaster movie because of the background image, its isolated and damaged showing that some significant effects happened recently.
It contains a very grey and dull colour palette which suggests there is no life and the font text and colouring of the font connotes that it is a type of mechanical tone to the movie.
The tagline in the poster gives the atmosphere of regret and ignorance as well as the bottom text which gives an area of mystery. 
The blocky, slim text shows that its a sort of serious and like metal sort of age like a destructive streak

Monday 13th June 2022

Learning Objective:
To create film marketing material

 2 - pick out specific micro details to analyse, such as images, text, font, colour, tagline.

Movie Marketing
  • Title 
  • Main Image 
  • Tagline
  • Release Date 
  • Actor / Director Names

I used the conventions by adding the main background image and the title
I would say i used the poster conventions well by adding the title to the top of the screen.
I am pleased with the background image i found.
I would improve the title if i had more time.
 I would like to learn how to improve texts to make them look better.


  1. 4/1/22- Great shots here, well done. T 2. more style types explored.

  2. 15/3- Great ideas and costume and character. T: 1. More detail in ending of your storyline:
    2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  3. 25/4- Good details here, T: 4. Try adding stage directions to include how the dialogue is said.

  4. 23/5- 2. pick out specific micro details to analyse, such as images, text, font, colour, tagline.


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