Music Industry

Monday 3rd October 2022

Live Lounge 

Learning Objective:

To Research the Radio Industry

Commercial Radio

Commercial broadcasting is the broadcasting of television programs and radio programming by privately owned corporate media, as opposed to state sponsorship.


Public Service Radio

The purpose of public broadcasting is 

to provide universal access to high quality programming

Add Extra Notes - 
  • Audience Engagement
  • Anything Else I need to know
  • Topics of Conversation
  • More on Presenters
  • News, Weather and Traffic 
Monday 17th October 2022

Public Service Radio

Radio 2

Monday 7th November 2022
Case Study 

Tom Grennan 
Background/ Origin - 
Tom Grennan was born in Bedford, Bedfordshire, in the South Midlands of England, but he now lives in London. Grennan found fame as the guest vocalist on Chase & Status's "All Goes Wrong" in 2016. Speaking to Roman, Sonny and Sian, Tom explained: "Do you know what's weird right, he's from a place called Mullingar and my dad's Irish and my dad's from a place called Offaly, which is the same kind of county. But he knows all of my cousins."

Age -
Tom Grennan is 27 Years Old, he was born 8th June 1995.

Genre - 
His genre is alternative / Indie - Indie pop Alternative Rock.

Monday 21st November 2022

Learning Objective:
To explore BBC radio and audience behind live lounge

How many national radio stations do the BBC operate?

There is no separate radio licence. The licence fee provides for 8 interactive TV channels, 10 radio networks, more than 50 local TV and radio services; and the services available online via

What are they and how are they different in terms of content and audiences?

a nationwide network of nonprofit radio stations supported in part by U.S. government funds distributed by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, often affiliated with a public television station or educational institution.

How many regional radio stations do the BBC operate?

50 Regional Radio Stations.

How are they funded?

Advertising (either in the form of 'spot ads' or commercial sponsorship of particular shows or strands) is how commercial radio stations (attempt to) make money.

Who is the direct competition to the PSB radio?

Established broadcasters also face competition from the likes of Apple, Facebook and. Google, which are developing original content.

5 commercial radio stations and their target audiences

  • 101.1 The Beat - BigR.
  • 104.3 Jamz - Bates FM.
  • 108.1 JAMZ - BigR.
  • 100.7 The Mix - BigR.
  • 100.9 Star Country! - BigR.
  • 100.8 The Hawk!! - BigR.
  • 100.5 Classic Rock - BigR.
  • Audience targeting in radio is a method that consists in categorising your listeners into segments based on different variables. For example, these variables could include: gender, age, location, language, hobbies, education, lifestyles, race, ethnicity and much more…

    what different ways can people listen to bbc radio 1?

BBC Sounds app on mobiles and tablets

On the homepage, use the station dial to find all of our network stations. Just tap on a station to start the live stream. To find our local BBC radio stations, select Stations & Schedules.

Age for BBC Radio 1 - 15 - 29 yr olds
Age for BBC Radio 2 -  35 year olds
Age for BBC Radio 4 - 54 year olds

Colour Palette - 
Black with other vibrant colours like pink and yellow - Pink and Black linking to common BBC connotations

Radio One Presenters at the moment -  Rickie Melvin and Charlie

Pink and Black colour palette

Presenters from BBC Radio 1 
Playlists from BBC Radio 1 - promoting artists albums and songs
Content - showing  entertainment via visual shows  and popular celebrities promoting said shows as well as advertisement and promotion for the new black panther film in cinema

Logo for BBC adding  more colour with the sounds giving it a more vibrant and lifelike fill.

Political People think that Radio 1 shouldn't be covered by the license fee as they don't think that mainstream music is important as its not been as educational. but the younger non political people think that it is important as it brings in the younger audience and reflect diversity of the nation.

Monday 5th December 2022
BBC Radio and Audience 
Leraning Objective :
To explore the BBC Radio contextual issues and the audience behind the Live Lounge 

  • Entertain Young people
  • 15 - 29 year olds
  • supporting emerging artists especially from UK
  • young listeners
  • platform for live music 
The background colour presents a more colourful and vibrant look which is associated with feelings like joy and excitement therefore showing the radio is exciting and fun.
The smile on everyones face gives a warm friendly feeling presenting that their personalities on the show as the hosts will give the radio a more uplifting friendly look.
The big one circled on the icon shows that the radio is BBC Radio 1 and presents the whole image of radio 1 and giving them a good look.
The circle icon may present to some listeners that its an almost metaphor for a window and the icon is a little look into what the show has to offer.
The black in the background is to make the icon pop out more and be more appealing to the eyes as its a dark, dull background with a colourful, vibrant icon in the middle.

Political Context

Political controversy in the radio industry is older audiences as meaning the people that fund BBC 1 think that having music that young people listen to is useless and dumb but live music is the only thing they find educational.
BBC did in response created r1 which target the older audience and live lounge to play live music to all but again aiming at the younger audiences.

Media convergence is the merging (or joining together) of previously distinct media to create entirely new forms of communication expression.

The advantage for BBC is that they will collect more listeners with their collab with vevo as it will be more convenient for the audience and because they have made it so easy to listen to their radio they will get more listeners therefore more money for them and vevo.

Ofcom regulates radio.

Monday 16th January 2023
Live Lounge Appeal and Format
Learning Objective
To explore the format of the shows and its appeals

The benefits of broadcasting on 2 different radio stations
  • more listeners 
  • wider range of content
  • more money 
Ricky Melvin and Charlie currently host the live lounge. In November 2018,  it was announced that they were moved into BBC Radio 1. Hedges performed at many sets at festivals and clubs. In 2014 she released a single with photos of JB Gill. Kiss breakfast presenters Rickie Haywood Williams, Melvin Odoom and Charlie Hedges will leave the station at the end of the year to succeed Charlie Sloth on the evening show on BBC Radio 1
We were there for so long. Rickie, Melvin and Charlie made the move to BBC Radio One in April 2019 to present late nights every Thursday. From September 2020, it was announced that the trio would be the new hosts of the 10.30am to 12.45pm Live Lounge show when it started in September 2021.
Charlie Sloth has left BBC Radio 1 with immediate effect.
It was announced earlier this month that The Rap Show host would be leaving the job after nearly 10 years on Radio 1 and 1 Xtra. But Radio 1 has agreed with Charlie that he will not do the 10 remaining shows that were originally planned.

The Live Lounge is the name of a room in the BBCs studios where many of the performances are broadcasted. Artists are filmed in an intimate radio station, acoustically.

Uses and Gratifications - PIES

Personal Identity - relate to the presenters who are a similar age and interests in music.
Information - Background information about the artists and upcoming events.
Entertainment - Live music and concerts.
Social Interaction - People can discuss the music afterwards.


  • You can access sport, weather and the CBBC
  •  was one of the artists that were mentioned because those are the artists being played tomorrow

Live performance is regarded as more culturally significant than simply playing records. But its more expensive.

Stormzy's Live Lounge Performance

3 days prep - payed for those days
6 professional singers - employed backing singers, learn the words and perform the melodies
musical director - make a recorded song translate to live performance
rehearsal space needed  - for each part of the performance
presenter of radio 1 and producers 
stormzy and the featured performance

The live lounge appeals to the audience through using young presenters that relate to the younger target audience through using slang like 'mate' , 'bro' and 'boy' which are mainly used by the presenter in the live lounge these are just a few examples and telling their backstory making the audience relate to them more by saying there old job and other things that show the audience there are a normal person. This ensures that the target audience is a teenager audience from the slang that they use to how their whole vibe is in the live lounge as older audiences wont appeal to the live lounge as most of them aren't familiar with the slang or phrases they use.
The live lounge fits to the BBC remit through using young artists that are familiar with the audience and that they are heavily interested in and they also put some recognition on some upcoming artists making the young audience get them more popular and more traction towards their music by social interaction meaning talking to their friends about their music and promoting it on social media platforms.

Monday 30th January 2023

Learning Objective:
To understand exam style questions and practice exam technique

Remit -

Support emerging artists
Live Lounge does this by playing popular artists and new and upcoming artists who have music that resonates with the target audience.
Example is stormzy who has wanted to be on the live lounge along with Holly Humberstone who is an upcoming artist as stormzy is quite mainstream and popular

Provides a platform for live music

Live Lounge is a platform for artists who play songs live meaning every artist featured on the show is playing live, an example of this is the artist could play an original song from them as well as an unreleased version to gain some more attention before the song is released.

Exam Format- Q1

Who regulates radio in the UK?
What is Public Service Broadcasting?
Television and radio programmes that are broadcasted to provide information, advice, or entertainment to the public without trying to make a profit.

Identify the word that describes a large company which owns a set of companies that produced different media forms.

One source of funding for BBC radio 1 is license fee✅

Q2 - Explain one way radio stations target their audience 

Radio 1 station features live lounge which uses young presenters and young mainstream or popular artists which draws more attention to the show from people that are familiar with that artist. Along with common day slang the presenters use which heavily targets teenagers and people familiar with that slang. 3/4 marks 

Q2 -     Explain one way that music radio stations can meet the requirements of the PSB

 Not only does music radio stations play music, the presenters will also speak upon common occurrences and main event that has happened in their area recently with is what PSB does therefore they can both meet the requirements of PSB. 2/3 marks
Q2 - Explain one way in which radio audiences are passive and one way in which they might be active 

Radio audiences may just listen in but can also interact with the radio stations by texting a number into the show and phoning in to answer a question and maybe even win money. 
2 marks 

Two marks would be given for the opening sentences, which explains how Radio stations target audiences. Two marks would be given for the following sentences which exemplify different use of targeting in Radio 1 Live Lounge.

Q3 - Explain how and why BBC radio has to provide a wider range of content than commercial radio 

Commercial radio sticks to broadcasting television and does not speak about todays topics and events that may happen whether BBC radio covers topics that target the younger audiences like teenagers by the presenters using slang and mainstream artists to put points across to younger audiences whether commercial radio does not have that younger look on news points and therefore does not have content as well as BBC does live performances and live presenters but commercial radio plays tracks that aren't live and the presenters do not speak as much therefore BBC has further content than commercial radio. In BBCs remit it is required to support emerging artists and perform live so you have more artists coming in and performing to promote their music and grow more in the music industry bringing only a range of newer, interesting content.

Make points about how the BBC Radio provides wider content on their radio stations, give examples on Radio 1 and why they have to do this linked to the remit.

Wednesday 8th February 2022
Learning Objective:
To examine the use of media language in music videos

2 types of music videos -
  • narrative
  • performance
  • wheatus - narrative and performance
Narrative for Teenage Dirtbag

The music video follows the lyrics telling a story of a guy who is not popular liking this popular girl who is dating a popular guy and how he cant have her because hes just a 'teenage dirtbag'.
He has a dream about her asking him out but then he soon relises its not reality and they would never be together.

Narrative for Skater Boy

Her and her band mates set up an illegal gig in the streets. The skater boy was first recording his ex girlfriend and then is more interested in filming avril showing he has moved on and the ex is later shown being arrested.

Conventions of performance music videos:
  • lip syncing
  • live performance - playing instruments 
  • main focus on artist or band 
  • performing to a camera/cameras
Conventions of narrative music videos:
  • video tells a story
  • usually filmed and edited like a movie
  • story often matches lyrics 
  • doesn't always feature artist.

The image shows taylors image to be so rich and powerful as she is bathing in a bath filled with jewels and money aswell as her jewellery she is wearing is matching the jewels in the tub. Jewellery is also leaking onto the floor showing that she's
so rich she doesn't care if she looses money. Her red lip is very bold showing she might be bold and powerful and as thats so bright red her nails match it.

Her outfit shows elements of punk and alternative style. This is shown through her bracelets and backwards caps she is challenging the stereotype of womans clothing and is dressed more like a 'tomboy'.

The setting she is in looks like a rundown house almost abandoned or old. This shows her background and wealth situation showing she grew up in maybe
poor conditions?

This represents punks / rebels because she is rebeling by doing an illegal street gig in the middle of the road and all the audience watching all same the same alternative style as her.

The setting is the school which links to the lyrics as we are talking about his years in highschool and showing him having a poor highschool experiences as he was a neek.

His outfit shows that he hasnt changed and will still stick to his alternative style and person. The bands outfit are wearing very casual clothing that look like any other teenager.

The outfits for the two main characters do not show good style more like weird and sort of odd style to presents how he doesn't fit in and the main singer still has the same odd clothing showing he wont change for anyone.

Monday 20th February 2023
Learning Objective:
To reflect on areas to improve in the assessment 

BBC radio provides a wider range of content than commercial radio for several reasons.
Firstly, radio 1 provides new and upcoming artists with a lot of potential.
Wednesday 1st March 2023
Do Now

  • 1 -   Set in a seaside town so that he was able to find the fish and set the fish free - props and characters dressed and placed to see its a seaside town.
  • 2 -  Weather is gloomy throughout the whole music video so the lighting was dark and low-key as well to help create a darker atmosphere which doesn't match the lyrics 
  • 3 -  It was set in the 70s or 80s because of the props and the costumes. 
Learning Objective:
To analyse the use of media language in music videos

Avril Lavigne and her friends are dressed like skaters or rock type clothing.
This is achieved my baggy clothing, the prop skateboards they have and their hair / accessories.
This could suggest to the audience that they are rebellious and before the audience knew the said skater boy was dating avril it could imply that the skater boy is in their band/ friend group.
In Avril Lavigne's music video, it is set in the city.
We know this as we are shown shots of buildings, a plethora of streets and traffic along with crowds of people.
In my opinion, the directors chose to set it in a city to gain traction when she did her illegal gig as it might not have had many people their if it was set in the country as well as the cars beings used as props as a stage almost.

The love interests boyfriend in the music video is dressed as a sterotypical popular american jock.  This presented by his jacket that i think you get when your on the football team in america which also sticks to his stereotype. 
He is quite tall and big which makes him comes across as intimidating and maybe a bit violent especially because he uses his shoulder to push the protagonist on the floor which could only be accomplished by his big build. 

The music video for Avril Lavigne's Sk8ter Boi and Wheatus' Teenage Dirtbag use setting and  costume to achieve similar effects.
For example, In Sk8ter Boi, Avril decides to set her music video in the middle of a city intersection with cars everywhere and people surrounding and the costumes used are very baggy and alternative along with face piercings , hair and makeup also start out on the characters featured in the music video.
They are used effectively because the setting being in a city was the best setting to choose in my opinion because of the plethora of people and props like cars being used for stages which connotes Avril being the subject of the video and important to the people because she is stood further up then them. The car props were also used for being smashed and many people there got arrested and hurt, this is to show the rebellious side of skaters and Avril's band and it being set in the city creates the most chaos and makes more sense the police arriving at the end.
The costumes were used to showcase that they are skaters which connotes that the skater boy mentioned maybe associated with her and her band. The backwards hat and random tire Avril has on showcases that she is a punk and rebels quite a lot maybe the tie symbolises how she gave up her education to pursue her music career?
As well as, In Teenage Dirtbag, Wheatus decides to set their music video in a high school - maybe his old high school as he is telling the story of his high school crush, this is effective because it sets the scene of his story and the crowds of students around him shows how lonely he actually was. The costumes used were very effective as it showed that the love interests boyfriend was a sterotypical jock with his letterman jacket and his big build and the love interest was popular but we dressed as a smart woman who took pride in her education and did not follow her boyfriends ways of bullying people and being a jerk. The protagonists outfit was shown to be especially out of date an untrendy to show he was not popular or conventionally attractive like the boyfriend was to show hat he could never get with the girl he wanted to which was excellently portrayed.  - 4 mark question 


Wednesday 9th March 2023
Learning Objective:
To explore how camerawork is used to create meaning in music videos.

1. Long shot 
2. The shot is used to emphasise how small the vehicles and bikes they are riding compared to the people on them and the angle of the shot shows that they are going downhill and it adds an element of fun and how thrilling or discombobulating the activity they are doing is which also adds an atmosphere of edge and shows the music video is centred around a non stereotypical background.
3. All the people behind the main singer all have similar colour pallets in their outfits and they are all male whether the singer is wearing all red to match her car which is also the only car their to show status and show she is the centre of the video and all this basically shows she is the main character in this music video.

1. Heat, surrounded by a desert which means the place and space around her is deserted which would mean no people which maybe also connote...
 2. ...
she may be singing about being lonely and feeling isolated.
3. The camera shot being used is a wide shot to show the setting and show how isolated she is while also making her the focal point of the music video as there is nothing else around her but bareness.

sk8ter boi - expressionistic
teenage dirtbag - naturalistic 

shot name: POV
why used?  To show that the skater boy is recording her and paying attention to only her 
why used here?  To show the affection between avril and him and only showing her to also                                         show her status
shot name: wide shot 
why used?  To show the school background , him eating alone and the letters in the billboard                         that spell out loser
why used here? To show that everyone thinks he is a loser and what connotes that is the lack                                   of  people around him while he is eating his lunch.

shot name: high shot 
why used? To show the audience surrounding her and trying to reach her while she is stood on                      a car above them.
why used here? To show her status and how everyone is obsessed with her and just want to                                     even be remotely close to her while she is stood up higher above all them to                                     represent her status.
shot name: mid shot 
why used?   To show the people stood behind him almost like his bodyguards and to show off                          his costume exp - letterman jacket also with the lighting combined it makes him                             look more intimidating
why used here?  To make him look more intimidating, show his status by his friends walking                                  slightly behind him and to show off his costume making him a stereotypical                                    popular boy.
shot name: canted angle.
why used?  To show that she is the main focus and makes the listener may more attention to                           the lyrics.
why used here?  To add to the element of the music video, the grudge / alternative style and to                                possible making the watchers pay closer attention to the lyrics.

5 Adjectives of the shot types and camera movement in Sk8ter Boi:
  • dizzy
  • energetic
  • thrilling 
  • rapid
  • chaotic
5 Adjectives of the shot types and camera movement in Teenage Dirtbag:
  • smooth
  • calm
  • slow
  • fulfilling
  • spiny
The camera movement in Sk8ter Boi is expressionistic. For example, at one point in the video Avril is jumping around on the chair prop that is being used. The energetic camerawork fits the tone of the song because the song is very fast tempo which connotes energy by the quick movements and the extreme angles.

The camera movement in Teenage Dirtbag is naturalistic. For example, at many points in the video when his younger self is being portrayed in the highschool the camera movement is very smooth and steady as the main focus is getting the narrative across and not the energy because involved in the video. The calm camerawork fits the tone of the song because the songs focus is surrounding the narrative and getting the story across so the camera movements aren't supposed to be very recognisable.

Music producers use camerawork to help construct the identity of Avril Lavingue by using frantic and fast tempo shots and camera movement in her music video 'Sk8ter Boi'. This is shown when she gets into the car which her friends / band and the camera movements are very swift and chaotic. By doing this, it shows Avril's alternative style and how she does not follow the stereotype of a female as they are normally portrayed as calm and peaceful but the camera movements show her and her band are very chaotic and thrilling by how rapid and energetic these quick camera movements are. The camera movements may of been shown as fast and almost dizzy to show they are driving fast in that car which connotes they might be in a hurry or they are being portrayed as careless and rebellious.

Wednesday 22nd March 2022
Learning Objective:
To explore how sound and editing used to create meaning in music videos.


Sound is divided into 2 categories Diegetic and Non Diegetic
Diegetic is occurring within the context of the story and able to be heard by the characters
Non Diegetic is sounds outside the context of the film that the characters cannot hear. 

Teenage Dirtbag only diegetic sound is the bike falling over once it is hit by a car the reason they did this is to connect the narrative with the song.

Sk8ter Boi the diegetic sounds are spray cans hitting the floor, the rope unclipping and traffic in the background  because it adds to the realism and sets the scene in the city as well as police sirens and the police helicopter and her smashing a car window they do this to show anti-establishment to show how rebellious they are which links to punk rock genre conventions.


Pace of sk8ter boi matches the beat, they edit shot types to the beat of the song

Teenage Dirtbag , they do cut to the beat but it is slower pace because they need to get the narrative in.

Both the videos use continuity editing.

Sk8ter Boi has a faster pace and more cuts to endorse how chaotic and fast they have to be to perform before the police get there as well as it is a fast beat song and the shot types needs to match the song and it is easier to do so because there is less narrative unlike teenage dirtbag.

In Sk8ter Boi and Teenage Dirtbag the mise-en-scene are very different, in Sk8ter Boi Avril Lavingue uses mise-en-scene to connote her rebelliousness and her punk rock look to create her image as a rebel and how alternative she is whether as in Teenage Dirtbag the protagonist outfit is very geeky to show he was an outcast and presents the idea that he is unpopular as he doesn't fit the trendy clothing and popular style back when the video was set in the early 2000s. The contrast between the two music videos with outfits show the genre conventions of each music video and what each character connotes which is heavily linked to the narratives of the music videos. 

Wednesday 19th March 2023
Learning Objective:
To explore how representations are constructed in music videos.

Traditional  Stereotypes:

  • physically weak
  • girly 
  • has to be pretty 
  • not traditionally smart
  • don't work or low income job
  • not dominant and wont show aggression
  • house orientated
  • emotional
  • love pink
  • long hair

  • physically strong
  • not emotional 
  • high paid job / job orientated
  • strong characteristics
  • dominant and aggressive
  • tough and not hurt emotionally
  • like dark colours like blue or black
  • short hair
  • sporty

The action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object

Sexual Objectification:
A male or females views on another person primarily as an object of sexual desire rather than as a person

Sk8ter Boi

  • Avril is not sexualised like woman in music videos were
  • Boy and girl - opposite interests
  • Tie being loose around her next says she's a rule breaker
  • Avril is biking and running quite a lot suggesting she is active
  • Facial aggressive expressions showing she is tough
  • Breaking of objects shows she is violent and aggressive
  • Low halo light suggests she is important
  • Realism makes her seem less manufactured than other artist
  • punk rock genre
  • teenagers being rule-breakers
  • urban settings - grunge vibe 
  • ethnicity and sexuality
Teenage Dirtbag

  • The Band 
  • The male and female protagonists
  • Ethnicity
  • High school
  • Teenage Stereotypes
  • Gender 
  • Sexuality
Monday 20th May 2024 
Exam Revision 

Regulation of Radio in the Uk - Ofcom 
Ownership of Radio 1 - BBC
Public Service Broadcasting - Broadcasting which benefits the public 
Merging of previously separate media forms in one entity - Convergence 

One way music videos create representations - 

Sk8ter Boi - 

  • Rebellious 
  • Challenges gender stereotypes
  • City Life 
  • Teenage stereotypes 
Teenage Dirtbag - 

  • Teenage stereotypes 
  • Gender stereotypes 
  • Group stereotypes - nerds, jocks etc.
  • Setting - High school 
How and why radio producers target different audiences -
  • different types of music 
  • different language - slang or formal 
  • guests featured 
  • topics discussed 
  • age of hosts
  • adverts targeted for audiences
Live Lounge

  • BBC Radio 1 
  • Hosts - Ricky , Melvin and Charlie - early 30s 
  • Slang - big up, sick etc. 
  • British Artists  - support and promote upcoming British artists 
Analyse representations of musicians - 
  • Alternative - mise-en-scene
  • Challenges gender stereotypes 
  • Shows importance as her colour palette juxtaposes with the background 
Question 5 - 

  • How far?
Contexts - 
  • Changes in gender roles
  • Attitudes to sexuality
  • Celebrity Culture 
  • Consumerism
  • Multi - culturalism 

In conclusion, media language is used differently to highlight the representations and stereotypes of gender  through these two covers as seen in the colour palette, masthead and typography, this is due to the genre .


  1. 21/11 T2: analyse the representations present in your screenshots and what that reveals about the industry and audience.

  2. 16/1- Great detail in your explanation. T: 1. You need to ensure that you give specific examples from the Live Lounge you listened that show how that particular show appealed to the audience. E.g songs played, conversation or words used. Mention the show that you listened to and give specifics of who said what.

  3. 6/2- T: Q3: Make points about how the BBC Radio provide wider content on their radio stations, give examples on Radio 1 and why they have to do this linked to the remit.


    NOTES: good notes on both case studies

    WWW: excellent use of terminology and you explain the effect of the elements used with specific details from the text.
    EBI: link the ideas to the artist representation or the genre where relevant.



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