Wednesday 15th November 2023

Television: Industries and Audiences

Learning Objective:

To research the history, companies and regulators in the television Industry 


Publicly Owned TV Channel - Publicly funded TV Channels - funded by government and our tv license

Commercial TV Channel - TV channels funded by advertisements

Convergence - joining different technologies or medias into one 

Watershed - times when adult content cant be shown '9-5:30'

Segmented Market - Dividing your target audience into groups and organising them with their interests

Mainstream - What is perceived as the most normal and made popular - for a mass audience  

Self - Regulation - Independence from the governments control - regulate themselves 

Franchise - A license that gains access to a franchisors business knowledge, trademarks etc.

Channel - Surfing - frequently change from one channel to another 

PSB - Public Service Broadcasting, to benefit the public , certain requirements to broadcast 

Tv License - Legal permission to receive TV programmes 

Scheduling - Deciding what shows to show at what times 

Conglomerate - A company that is made up of a bunch of other smaller companies


When was TV introduced in the UK? - 1936 

In 1965, how many channels were there in the UK and what were they? - 3 Channels - BBC1, 2 , ITV 

When did ITV start? Why was it different? - 1955, commercial channel 

Which UK channels have to follow PSB Remits? -  BBC , Channel 3,4,5

Who regulates TV UK now? - Ofcom 

Who regulated TV channels in the 1960s? - 

Differences between TV in the 1960s and now?

  • Coloured TVs 

Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Television Industries - Ownership & Regulation 
Learning Objective:
To explore the ownership and regulation of BBC1 & Tv

BBC Missions 
  • To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them
  • To support learning for people of all ages
  • To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services
  •  To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

  • To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world

Number and names of channels :

Wednesday 13th December 2023 

TV Audiences 

Learning Objective:
To explore how audiences consume TV dramas and the appeals. 

Ways to watch TV

Subscription apps
Illegal Websites
Recordings/ catchup services

Reasons why we watch TV

Fear Of Missing Out
Second Screenings - discussions online during the live show
Audience Activity - Voting and engaging with the show

Active and Passive Audiences

Passive Audience - Accepts and Believes any media text
Active Audience - Interacts with a media text and makes their own decisions whether to believe the media text.

TV Drama 
What is it?
A television drama that is organised into a series of episodes that has one main story arc with a complex narrative and the characters evolves as the narrative does. 

Sub Genres of TV Drama 

Crime Drama - top boy 
Teenage Drama - 13 things i hate about you
Period Drama (time - past or future) - eastenders 
Medical Drama - the good doctor 
Science Fiction Drama - the 100
Fantasy Drama - game of thrones 
Political Drama - west wing 

Wednesday 10th January 2024

The 1960s
Learning Objective:
Research the social, historical and political context of The Avengers 

6 Things that happened between 1961 - 1965 
  • The Cold War
  • The Berlin Wall was built. 
  • The Cuban Missle Crisis 
  • The Olympics in Tokyo
  • John Kennedy was killed
  • The contraceptive pill was approved 
Who were the most famous bands in the 60s?

The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd

Which political party was in power in 1965? Who was the PM?

Labour Party - Harold Wilson

Where illegal drugs apart of the culture?

They were largely involved with the younger generation and easy to get - psychedelics.

What scientific develop changed women's lives?

The contraceptive Pill. 

What significant historical events happened?

Assassination of John Kennedy, Marlyn Monroe died

What wars were fought around the world?

The cold War, Vietnam War

What were people protesting about in the UK?

The Vietnam War, Free Speech, The Environment, racism 

How was life different for men, women and different races compared to now in the UK?

More women went onto higher education , Africans fought for racism and women fought for women's rights. 

The Cold War 

At this time, the cold war was at its highest and everyone was very paranoid and worries , Britain became apart of Nato - 7 other countries. 

Threats of Nuclear War

Anxiety of nuclear war rose as Russia and US gained weapons and bombs. In 1962, The Cuban Missle Strike occurred leaving the world at the brink of nuclear war.


Meaning spies, they were very common within the cold war and many double agents were caught making it very popular in 1960s TV. 

Wednesday 17th January 2024

The Avengers (1965)

Learning Objective:
Research the TV show the Avengers

Which channel produced the show?
ABC Television and ITV 

Who was the primary and secondary audience?
A mainstream adult audience and teenagers 

When did the episodes air?
Between 1961 and 1969

How many seasons were made?
6 seasons 

What date was the last episode aired?
21st April 1969 

What was the budget of series 4?
£56,000 per episode

The locations were in real life and more interactive with the actors as well as immersed the audience more within the episode as the background and props looked more professional and less fake.
Diana Rigg as Emma peel was the main women protagonist 
Patrick Macnee and John Steed was the male protagonist
The Avengers was more working class than middle class as it was aired in black and white even though Coloured TVs did exist but they wanted the vaster amount of views / audience therefore they were more accessible to their audiences.  

The Avengers was scheduled on Saturday night at 9:05 - peak time to attract a mass audience.
The 4th series attracted audiences of around 7 million and was often the top ten rated.

Wednesday 24th January 2024

The Avengers: The town of no return
Learning Objective:
To explore the narrative, characters, and appeal of series 4 episode 1 

Main characters - John steed - Mrs Emma Peel 
Side characters - Piggy Warren - Mrs Manson - Tom Smallwood - Mr Brandon 

Wednesday 31st January 2024

Narrative - Spies investigate a village and they discover people have taken over the town and gotten ridden of their population to disguise themselves so they could further infiltrate other nearby towns for their army 
Characters - John Steed , Emma Peel , Piggy Warren, Mrs Manson, Mr Brandon 
Social and Cultural context -  Female protagonist was rare
Audience appeal - Secret narrative, emma peel targets younger generation , british stereotypes through Steed - older generation 

Personal Identity - Women in the 60s may of related or aspired to emma peel as she was seen as almost equal to her male protagonist and she was strong and smart etc. 
Information - Gives a look into life in the 60s and problems in society in the 60s , the world of the upper class and spies - reassurance of people protecting their country from a foreign threat 
Entertainment - TV was new so it was a good source of entertainment - anti stereotypes would have been entertaining - escapism into a fantasy world 
Social Interaction - In the 60s, most households normally would have 1 TV so people would watch things as a family and discuss it as a family as well as discussing with other people outside their houses and mold the new standards of the new world being introduced in the 70s.

CONTEXT - The Avengers: The Town of No Return
Learning Objective:
To analyse the influence of the social and historical context in series 4 , episode 1 

Threat of nuclear war - when going to the spies secret underground base there were crates filled with explosives
Threat of foreign invasion - the people who took over the town where planning on taking over much more land and had foreign war uniforms on
Espionage - spies were everywhere in the town as-well as the two main characters being spies 

Wednesday 21st February 2024
The Avengers: Extract Analysis
Learning Objective:
To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract 

  • Shot Types
  • Camera Angles
  • Camera Movement 


Medium long shot of mrs peel by herself then the camera following her to show john 9 zoom out to show both of them0 which connotes a sense of authority towards emma and shows them as equals as well as partners in some sort of way as well as portraying an establishing shot to show the viewers her apartment connoting her upper class as-well as her being portrayed as a younger generation character.. Furthermore, the high angle of john steed sat on the chair following a high angle of Emma peel connotes the authority and power she has over steed portraying his vulnerability which strays away from the stereotypes in the 1960s.


Wednesday 28th February 2024

The Avengers: Extract Analysis 

Learning Objective:

To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract

Editing in this extract was used mainly through the speed of the editing. This is shown when Steed walks into the blacksmith and the blacksmith starts approaching him. This clip length between the previous shot and the next shot was quite long to emphasis and increase the tension to connote to the viewers that he is going to do something bad to Steed. A graphic match is also present in the clip between Steed at the bar to Steed at the blacksmiths to connote to the readers thats where Emma Peel is being held as a hostage. Cut on action is used between Steed and the Blacksmith to increase tension, much like the long clip of the blacksmith, as well as cross cutting being a main convention in action scenes. 

Non-diegetic sound stood out to me through sound effects and music,  for example ,  a long bang when the church man reveals a gun which is then supposed to be interpreted by the audience as shocking and that Emma is now in danger connoting a plot twist moment. The music volume rises as the man enters to classroom to lift up the tension and make the situation more dramatic for the audience. 

Wednesday 6th March 2024

4 areas of media language in Q1 - 

  • Camerawork
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Editing
  • Sound
Examples for Q1 is 2-3

Marks for Q1 is 5 

The Avengers - Extract Analysis
Learning Objective:
To explore extract based questions and how to answer them effectively.

How is camerawork used to create meaning?

Camerawork seen in the segment create connotations towards a meaning of danger. This was firstly highlighted through the steadicam , the focus of the shot being the blacksmith. The camera doesn't move at all as the blacksmith move towards the camera which emphasises the danger and gives the viewers empathy of they cant move and they are stuck in this imminent danger. Furthermore, the low angle shot of the blacksmith has connotations of him being more powerful and has the authority in the predicament they are in. Through these elements of camerawork, it builds up an idea for the viewers of the malicious intents of the blacksmith and portrays him as dangerous from the viewers point of view. 

Question 2 

How far does the extract create tension?

In the extract, the tensions are heavily increased through the manipulation of sound. This is inferred through when the blacksmith is introduced the pace of the music drastically increased as well as the volume making the tone of the scene way more excillirating.  The climax can be seen when the tension was at its peak when the blacksmith tried to kill steed, a drumroll like sound played rather quickly making the moment emphasised - intended to make viewers on the edge of their seat. Consequently, with the music adding to the faster pace of the scene, the editing increases through the portrayal of camera shots. Consistently changing shots every couple seconds increases the pace , therefore the tension. The constant use of props in the setting of the blacksmiths increases tension through portraying the danger level of his working environment due to the use of heat. This can be shown through the hot pipes and the burning horseshoe used as the main weapon. Tensions then drop when the blacksmith is 'defeated' but through the continuous use of sound tensions are risen again when they are figuring out the elaborate plot of the episode with the volume of the music increasing, not only does it indicate that they have figured it out but it infers that they are in danger therefore increasing the tension for the audience. 

Question 3 

How far does the extract create a stereotypical representations of men? 

  • Media Language
  • Institutions
  • Audience
  • Representations 

Intro - In this extract , it portrays stereotypical and anti-stereotypical views upon masculinity. 
Point 1 - Fight Scene - Mise-en-scene of Steed vs. Blacksmith - 2 stereotypes of men.  
Point 2 - Steed rescuing Emma - Damsel in distress (Propp) - context of 1960s - patriarchal society -audience expectancy
Point 3 - Anti-stereotypes of Emma explaining plot to steed - shows change in the 60s of women having more equality 
Conclusion - Mainly traditional gender stereotypes however some anti - stereotypical to reflect the changes of the patriarchal society in the 60s. 

Wednesday 20th March 2024 
Do Now:

  • Gender inequality and patriarchal society and racism in 1960s. Gender equality and changed society now.
  • One Tv per household in the 1960s.  Multiple devices to watch Tv on now.
  • Little to no technology in the 1960s. Unlimited technology now. 
Television in the 2010s

Police Procedural - day to day actions in police solving crimes


Aired in October 2015 
Shown 8pm on Wednesday 
Targeted 16-65 year olds
Range of characters and storylines to appeal to different audiences

Cuffs - Series 1 Episode 1 

Wednesday 24th April 2024 

Cuffs and Social Contexts
Learning Objective:
To analyse representations and influences of social and culture context in Cuffs

Donna Prager
Donna is represented as authoritative especially when compared with Lino as she is shown to be more athletic - again shown during their training session when she worked out for longer than most of her male colleagues - and more aggressive than him which breaks away from women stereotypes and represents Donna as a leader. 

Jake Vickers
Jake is represented as a character with a more emotional side as the audience see him get overwhelmed many times which breaks for the average male stereotype as well as the show portraying him in a way of undeserving as he didn't work as hard for his position and this represents him to the audience as an outlier and different when compared to his co workers.

Felix Kane

Felix is represented as quite withdrawn as he is always shown by himself in a very reserved way. His is portrayed as quite timid which juxtaposes with the male stereotypes as him not being very confident.

  • Jake Vickers - Vulnerable, Different - Anti Stereotypical
  • Lino Moretti - Undetermined , Lazy - Anti Stereotypical
  • Felix Kane - Timid, Reserved - Anti Stereotypical

Ryan is a black man who is arguably the main protagonist in the show, as well as no people of colour or race got portrayed in a different way due to their skin, however racist groups are still shown in the show but are portrayed in a negative way and shown that their crimes and doings are unnecessary, this shows that in 2015 society was changing and trying to overcome problematic behaviours and prejudices.

Wednesday 8th May 2024 

The combination of elements to maximise profits within a media organisation or product

Horizontal Integration 
By achieving ownership of several different forms of media at once the studios became multi-media conglomerates 

Vertical Integration 
a business strategy in which a company takes ownership of two or more key stages of its supply chain.

lets audiences use one platform to consume various types of media texts

Tent Pole productions 
a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio, television network, or cinema chain.


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