
 Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Learning Objective:

To explore possible tasks and research similar products

1. Create a front cover and a double page spread article for a health and fitness magazine aimed at an audience primarily at 14-18 year olds. 

The sportswear the model is wearing in the front cover is usually the main colour theme for the rest of the colour like typography and other images you want to pop out more.

The top area is a bar of the prime colour which is almost a topic sentence introducing the rest of the magazine and giving the audience a rough idea what the magazine will surround.

The magazines are aimed at women so the model in the front cover isn' t sexualised as much as they normally are in an average magazine.

Bold text in the front cover shows important themes in the magazine or empowering phrases that are showing you can always get better and fitter.

Always has a bold shape in the left side matching the colour of the masthead which references time for instance, the words 'today' or 'next -- weeks'.

Wednesday 7th June 2023

Womens' Health magazine has a branded font to recognise their name, the pink/stereotypical colour palette shows that it is directed towards women and is a female based magazine.  The main image in the DPS is directed at young adults as the clothing is 'trendy' and the object she is standing on can almost be perceived as abstract art in a way.The colour scheme on the DPS is very bright, bold primary colours giving the page a more visual, eye-popping feel. All these characteristics show that the magazine is easily recognisable to be directed the views of young women.

The production value of the magazine is mid quality, the front page of the magazine is shiny but the pages aren't and feel very thin and almost flimsy.

The ideologies that are presented in the magazine are health meaning exercising and health nutrition.
The magazine consists of mental health through stress eating etc., eating healthy and how to keep a good diet along with cooking recipes and improving your physical appearance. These all are directed to young women through common interestes that are very stereotypical like cooking, care of appearance eating healthy and keeping a physic

The colour palette for the front page has a main colour scheme of pink and white but what differs from different health magazines is that the model in the main image is not wearing clothing that meets the colour scheme of the page. The pink colour palette is done for two reasons, first reason is using dull pinks as the background makes the other interesting facts pop out especially when they are matched with a hot pink colour, it draws attention to the information. Second reason is to appeal to the female audience through the stereotypical sense that pink is for girls. The typography is very bold to connote the idea that the women in the magazine is bold and confident and if you follow her exercise and lifestyle it promotes the idea that you will become bold and confident. The only non - bold font type is the models name 'kayla' which is a very feminine girly font which shows the femininity of her and the magazine as it is surrounded by a female role model.

The women that is represented in the magazine is presented as powerful and bold by her stances and confident look in her face to give the female population reading the magazine a sense of powerfulness if they follow the steps of the diet, exercise etc. promoted in the magazine. In a health magazine, you wouldn't make the person that is being promoted look non-confident and shameful. The magazine does this to install determination and confidence in the readers.

The target audience is young women and it appeals to them through main stereotypes of common interests for women, like keeping a good shape to their body which shown in the magazine could be completed by keeping a good diet and exercise as well as keeping a good physical appearance in the face through not getting wrinkles as soon in the magazine which is targeted towards women.

The cover and DPS is from the same magazine as the model in the main cover image is also seen in the DPS, talking about her success and followers and talking about struggles of women which is also shown to be directed at a female audience.

The fit and well magazine font is quite simplistic and classy with just that you can tell that the target is audience is directed at women. The main cover image differentiates from other fitness magazines as the model in the is wearing jeans with a flowy white top instead of work out clothes a swell as her hair is very flowy and curly, its not tied back showing she is about to exercise or hasn't exercised giving the magazine a more casual, comfortable feel. The DPS also has a more nature, meditation vibe, showing it is more relaxation and focus on mental health than actual exercise.

The production value of the magazine seems very high quality, the front cover is a matte material, not shiny like other magazines and the pages are thick and have a pristine rich feel to them like expensive paper, also matte.

The ideologies represented in the magazine are shown for older women as the main tagline is 'healthy at 40+' showing the magazine is presented for older women. The magazine can see promoting healthiness and wellbeing through peaceful images on the DPS of the nature and people going on runs/walks showing not much exercise more relaxation and focus on your wellbeing. The magazine also goes into depth about diets and recipes to try to help keep your body in shape also with styles and balance with meditation.

The colour palette is revolved around pink red and white. The pink shows stereotypical senses to link in young women with the magazine but the red connotes maturity and more classy look to the magazine presenting the target audience of older women. The white is used to be more stylish and link into the models outfit as she is wearing a white shirt. The typography is very slim font which connotes the whole classy feel of the magazine also connoting to the female audience and also shows the production value of the magazine as more cheap magazines would normally use bolder fonts. 

The women on the front page of the magazine is presented as relaxed through her casual wear, meaning jeans and a top which challenges the stereotypical women on health magazines wearing exercise wear and look ready to exercise. It gives the magazine a more relaxed feel as well as well as the people seen on the DPS they are seen walking, running or eating a healthy amount of food which presented the magazine as not heavily exercise full.

The target audience is older women and it appeals to them through the magazine not being filled with exercise materials, instead it is presented as a wellbeing magazine orientating itself around meditation and relaxation as well as de-stress tips which heavily appeals to older women.

The cover and DPS are presented as the same magazine because of the cover lines on the front page are talking about meditation and balance as well as wellness as seen throughly explained on the DPS as well.

My magazine codes and conventions

  • colour - one main colour involving the outfit of the model on the main colour.
  • typography- bold font on the front cover, serif on the DPS 
  • content- main focus on mental health and wellbeing only some info on exercise on the DPS.
  • masthead - bold across top left of the page.
Wednesday 28th June 2023

Name - Daily Women's Fitness Magazine 
Tagline - ' Be bolder , Get Fitter' 
House Style - 
Colour Palette - Pink and purple colour palette
Cover image ideas - 

Possible cover lines - ' build your physical and mental strength' 
                                   ' Sculpt your shape, your way'
                                   ' Manage your body with your control'
                                   ' Lift more without getting sore'

Info to include - barcode, puffs and plugs
DPS article subject - Mental and Physical Health
DPS image ideas - 

Representations - The people in my product will be represented as strong independent women to show the almost 'finished product' if you follow the magazines advice.

It will appeal to my target audience through common interests and relation to the women side of things as it directed at a women and based around helping women'
s bodies.

Wednesday 20th July 2023

Wednesday 13th September 2023
Coursework Review
Learning Objective:
To recap brief criteria and to explore how to create effective representations 

My cover is going to follow the layout conventions of a front cover by basing it around women's health with the main cover being a young / teenage women. Cover lines will include motivations for healthy diets, healthy workout plans and one to link to my dps surrounding the idea of women's mental health. 

My DPS is going to follow the layout conventions of a DPS by making my focus of the magazine clear through the headline and sub - headings and the 300 words that will link to the cover line of women's mental health. 

The genre of my magazine will be made clear through the clear masthead and headline and the cover lines shown on the front cover conveying the focus of women's mental health and portrayed to be directed towards age range of 16 - 21 years 

To do list :
  • write your essay for dps 
  • take photos 
  • write cover lines
  • finish masthead 

Cover Lines 

  • *insert name * 's journey into recovery from rock bottom 
  • 5 ways to improve your mental health
  • authority over your emotions 
  • supercharge your self care 


Wednesday 1st November 2023

Different things featured in a health and fitness magazine dps - 
  • workout routines
  • good diets and food recommendations
  • interviews
  • reviews
  • step by step guides
  • problem page
  • profile
  • fact sheets 
Article Writing
Learning Objective:
To create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine/website using appropriate language tone and representation. 

DPS includes...
  • images
  • subtitles to establish the different articles and topics
  • clear colour palette 
  •  written in columns
  • drop cap

1. Cover will be a female exercising too connote its targeted towards women and my dps will not link it will talk about mental health and maintaining a good lifestyle. 
2. Article is about mental health , diets possibly , workouts to do at home etc.
3. the images are gong to be less posed then the cover possibly include some photos of food to show good diet examples.
4. Yes i will possibly include a step to step with easy workouts.
5. Page 16-17
6. The font will possibly be linked in the subtitles but probably not in the actual font.
7. No
8. Subheadings will be relevance to the subject im discussing so like , ' Easy workouts at home' 'How to change your diets' etc.
9. I want people in my magazine to be presented as happy and healthy as almost proof of an end product if you follow the tips in the magazine.

Standfirst - 'Getting back on your feet' 

  • first thing to mention - how to improve your mentality and mental health
  • second this to include - good workout tips
  • third thing to include - food recommendations 
  • four thing - fact list about exercise and health 


    Good research into conventions and excellent analysis - well done!


    A good start - I like the masthead ideas. Remember, simple can be more effective
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens.


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