Introduction To Media Representations

 Wednesday 8th June 2022

Learning Objective:

To Explore the Concept of Representation and Stereotypes

The media offers the audience an interpretation of the world.

Its a re-presentation of the events, people and places.

Sterotypical -

A Stereotype is a generalised representation of a person , place or time. They are limited and often offensive or used for comedy.

Stereotyped Expectations

Nurse -  Young , Female                                          Astronaut - Smart , Adventurous , Male        

Nanny - Female                                                       Football Player - Male , Sporty , Rich 

Teenager - rude , argumentative , hateful                Opera Fan - Loud , Rich  

Teacher - Male , Strict , wears suits if male             Tattoo Lover - Male , Rock type of person

Stereotypes can be challenged by some people but most people meet the standers of most students and teachers. 

Stereotypes in Teachers in a school are normally represented as quite smart but as soon as they are faced with a argumentative students they often get hot headed rather quickly ending in a screaming match .

One of the teachers are being represented as a sort of entertainer and trying to get the kids to laugh with his enthusiasm and energy but you can tell he is very stressed and it gives the stereotype that new teachers have heavy difficulty with classroom management.

Stereotypes in Students are that the girls are represented as being loud , naughty and disruptive and do not tolerate any of the school rules.

Some of the teachers reactions yo some of the students surprises me but the student behaviour doesn't as that is their standard and stereotype


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