Wednesday 8th June 2022 Learning Objective: To Explore the Concept of Representation and Stereotypes The media offers the audience an interpretation of the world. Its a re-presentation of the events, people and places. Sterotypical - A Stereotype is a generalised representation of a person , place or time. They are limited and often offensive or used for comedy. Stereotyped Expectations Nurse - Young , Female Astronaut - Smart , Adventurous , Male Nanny - Female Football Player - Male , Sporty , Rich Teenager - rude , argumentative , hateful Opera Fan - Loud , Rich Teacher - Male , Strict , wears suits if male Tattoo Lover - Male , Rock type of person Stereotypes can be challenged by some people but most people meet the standers of most students and teachers. Stereotypes in Teachers in a school are normally represented as quite smart but as soon as the