
Showing posts from May, 2022


Wednesday 25th May 2022  Learning Objective: To Explore and Understand how to use InDesign for magazine layouts

Magazine Cover Designs: Masthead

 Wednesday 4th May 2022 Learning Objective: Explore the use of Adobe Illustrator to create a magazine masthead Film Magazine Covers Venom Film Magazine - Differences - Close Up Shot Type  Blue white and black Colour Palette Similarities -  Big Film Title with Bold Font The Main image is protruding over the Masthead Glass Film Magazine - Differences -  A bigger focus on the Main Image (3 People) Mid Shot Type  Red and White colour palette to stand out over the characters Similarities -  Big Film Title with Bold Font Characters protruding over the Masthead The Avengers Film Magazine -  Differences - A long shot of a crowd of people White ands Yellow Colour Palette The Main Text is the Masthead as the Film Title is small Similarities -  Characters still protruding over the Masthead Mask head -     Its small and simple so that when all the magazines are spread out and stacked you are able to recognise the brand of the magazine just from the red Q    Mask Head -    BillBoard is a very well