
Showing posts from March, 2022

What is News?

 Wednesday 2nd March 2022 Learning Objective: To Explore the Concept and Format of News. The purpose of news is - Inform People Educate People Entertain People Profit For Themselves Influence People Types of News: War with Ukraine         Family and Education Health                           Politics Science                         Tech UK                                Entertainment and Art World                            Sports Business                        Celebrity News Weather                         Local News Learning Objective: To Explore the Validity to News Stories and Their Origins Examples of fake news Anti-Trump protesters hired from Craigslist paid as much as $3,500 El Chapo escaped from Mexican prison again President Barack Obama signed an order banning assault weapon sales Michael Jordan intended to move the Charlotte Hornets out of North Carolina if the state did not revoke a law disallowing transgender people access to restrooms [ The Supreme Court of the United St