What is News?

 Wednesday 2nd March 2022

Learning Objective:

To Explore the Concept and Format of News.

The purpose of news is -

  • Inform People
  • Educate People
  • Entertain People
  • Profit For Themselves
  • Influence People
Types of News:
  • War with Ukraine         Family and Education
  • Health                           Politics
  • Science                         Tech
  • UK                                Entertainment and Art
  • World                            Sports
  • Business                        Celebrity News
  • Weather                         Local News
Learning Objective:

To Explore the Validity to News Stories and Their Origins

Examples of fake news

  • Anti-Trump protesters hired from Craigslist paid as much as $3,500
  • El Chapo escaped from Mexican prison again
  • President Barack Obama signed an order banning assault weapon sales
  • Michael Jordan intended to move the Charlotte Hornets out of North Carolina if the state did not revoke a law disallowing transgender people access to restrooms[
  • The Supreme Court of the United States revoked the tax-exempt status of the Church of Scientology

I think people write fake news to get more recognition especially if the article is unbelievable because it makes it more shocking. The shocking title normally makes u want to read the news giving them more profits and recognition.

How to spot fake news is carefully reading the source, checking who wrote it (who the author is). Check when it was made and check if its a joke article. Then you can ask someone with more background experience in that area .

Wednesday 9th March 2022

Young Reporters

Learning Objective:

To understand what news is and where to find it.

The Key Ingredients of a Good News Story

  • Fairly Relevant
  • Enticing and brings in the attention of the viewers
  • A True Story - Accuracy, based on facts                                                            
  • Its Entertaining
  • Straight to the point 
  • Has impact

1) a ✅
2) b✅
3) a✅
4) c✅
5) b ✅
6) c ✅
7) c ✅

Fire seen in Bodmin last night ( March 7th 2022)
was suspected of arson and burned down 37 football fields worth of land.

The Endurance, the lost vessel of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, was found at the weekend at the bottom of the Weddell Sea.

People in Truro do a tribute for people suffering in Ukraine, hundreds gather.

UK is stopping the use of russian oil and gas therefore getting the prices of petrol to rise by 142% than average

Wednesday 16th March 2022

Learning Objective:
To research and write possible stories for BBC school report

Murdered Girl, formally known as ' Little Miss Nobody' burned remains found after 62 years.

The missing girls remains where found in the Arizona desert 62 years ago but only now authorities have revealed the 4 year old girl was Sharon Lee Gallegos who was born in New Mexico.

Sketch Of Sharon Lee after she got abducted.

She was abducted from her grandmother's yard on 21 July 1960, just over a week before the body was found partially buried in Congress, Arizona.

A gravestone was paid for by local townsfolk and the name on it read, ' Little Miss Nobody, blessed are the pure of heart.'
                                                                           Sharon;s parents are both dead but her uncle is still alive. Her uncle described Sharon as a 'happy go lucky girl', he thanked the authorities for not giving up.
The suspects for the murder have not been caught however they are suspected to be in a dark green 1951 or 1952 Plymouth.

Many Missing and Unidentified Centres try to identify
the missing girl for years but the case eventually went cold until 2015.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The case opened back up in 2015 when her remains where exhumed and the case is still open to this day in hope the people that murdered her get identified.
"Though Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office and the Alamogordo Police Department in 1960 initially suspected the remains found in the desert to possibly be that of Gallegos, technology and science was not sophisticated enough at the time to make the identification," read a portion of the statement from UCSO. "Initial thoughts on the age of the remains, the clothing she was found in, and a mismatched footprint, at the time ruled out the abducted child from New Mexico as Little Miss Nobody."

Wednesday 23rd March 2022

 Good morning this is Bodmin News Live,
At approximately 11:15 last night there was a report of a fire at the historic Bodmin jail.
3 fire engines attended the scene and rescued 6 people with 2 people taken to the hospital, only one person  ended up with severe 3rd degree burns.
The value of the newly refurbished jail could end up costing millions to repair as the main cell block has been badly damaged which leads to suspicion of the fire starting in the kitchen.
The fire was finally put out at 6:15 this morning but the extensive damage to the jail could be irreversible.

  • 32 seconds
Wednesday 30th March 2022

Learning Objective:
To write an effective news report; to practice interview questions

A Missing Girl, Sharon Lee Gallegos also known as "Little Miss Nobody' finally identified after 60 years of speculation after her death. The Young Girl was kidnapped July 21st, in Alamogordo, New Mexico after being stalked for weeks prior to the initial kidnapping. Her body was found soon after in Congress, Arizona. Due to recent advances in technology and DNA profiling we have managed to get a name to the girl known as Little Miss Nobody


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