
Showing posts from October, 2021

Careers Behind The Camera

Wednesday 17th October 2021 Learning Objective: To Explore Possible Film Industry Roles and Career Paths 1- c 2- d 3- b 4- a Three words that describe The James Bond Trailer is tense, adventure and action. The moment that was the most tense in the trailer was when Bond was talking to the main villain and Bond says "History isn't kind to men that play god" Prediction: I think there will be 15 cuts in the first 30 seconds of the trailer, there where actually 25 cuts Statement: The greater the frequency of the cuts the greater the tension. I disagree with this statement because tension can be made in many different way for example- silence, music (loud or quite) etc. From the Jamaica video behind the scenes, the amount of times i see a camera is 5 times. They also had rails for the camera to get attached to, equipment for a camera to be attached to the side of a car  Reflections : To take a good picture or shot with a person in a reflection you must make sure you don'


 Monday 11th October 2021 Do Now: 1.Clint Eastwood 2. Gary Oldman 3.Al Pacino 4. Tom Cruise 5. Jennifer Anniston 6.George Cloony 7. Leonardo Dicaprio 8. Patrick Stewart 9. Sean Connery 10. Drew Barrymore 11. Daniel Radcliffe 12. Characters: Protagonist (hero) Antagonist (villian)  Case Study Characters Main character (protagonist of the film) - Thomas  Protagonists Characteristics Age - 16 Name - Thomas Edison Job - Runner Personality -  Thomas , originally named Stephen, is the last male Glader and one of the creators of the Maze along with Teresa Agnes. He is the main protagonist of the series and presumably named after Thomas Edison. Antagonist - Wicked (the creators of the maze) Sidekick - Newt, Minho (basically everyone who is with thomas, his 'group') Props Theory The Hero- Generally leads the narrative, has a question has to solve something. The Villain- Struggles against the hero, seen as morally bad. The Princess-  Can take two forms, often the reward. The Dispatcher-

Media Language Analysis

 Wednesday 6th October 2021 Learning Objective : To Analyse a media text using Media Language. Camera Shot Type:  Medium Long Shot Why this camera Shot? So that you can see the characters outfit along with his gun and gun holster. Clothing: The clothing is very professional but not like what James Bond normally wears which might explain a plot change or anything like that.  Props: The gun suggests danger maybe a fight upcoming, he has his gun out of his holster so that says that he is ready for action. The gun holster is more of a cowboy style so that might suggest he is an outlaw. His watch also has correlation to the title 'No Time To Die' Facial expression: He has a very serious, concentrated look. As if he is on guard of enemies. Back round: A very concrete back round the colours gold suggest richness but the back round looks cold. Diegetic Sounds: Helicopters- Observing, Escaping, Action Cars- Getaway Vehicle, Violence, Action Gunshots- Violence, Enemies, Action Motorbi