
Showing posts from April, 2022

Magazine Front Covers

 Wednesday 27th April 2022 Learning Objective: To identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes & conventions. Masthead - A Masthead is the big text at the top of a magazine telling u the maker/brand of the magazine. Dateline- A dateline is  it indicates the city the journalist was in when he or she reported on the story . It also indicates the date the story was filed. Main Image - The main picture that is the biggest picture on the cover. Cover Lines - A coverline is small text(s) on the front colour of the magazine telling u the contents of the magazine with small exciting sentences. Main Cover Line - A main coverline tells u the main focus of the magazine. Bar Code/Price - Tells u the price of the magazine via the bar code. Tagline/Strapline -   A strapline is  a subheading that is usually found at the top of a magazine, above the masthead - like a slogan. Pull quote - A pull quote is  Pull quotes are  short excerpts from the presented text . They are

News Day Evaluation

 Wednesday 27th April 2022 Learning Objective: To evaluate and review our news day project During News Day, I worked on writing the news report and planning it and we did a story on the Little Miss Nobody missing case. My group enjoyed the filming and the interview the most because it was a very fun and interactive experience. My group least enjoyed the editing of the clips we had previously filmed because it was very stressful and quite annoying. I learnt from the experience how to properly write a news report and how to grab the readers attention as well as knowing how to spot a fake story. With the news progress, i learnt that being a news reporter isn't as simple as just reading off a teleprompter its so much more than that. If I was to do it again, what i would do differently is come in on the actual day so i can help with filming, the interview etc.